At Myatt's Fields Cocktails, we spend an inordinate amount of time thinking and working on cocktails - ingredients, processes, alchemy, ageing - all of the art and all of the science.

What we have realised along the way is that a critical part of helping design the future of our cocktails is to be very familiar with the past. The more time we have spent on developing the cocktails business, the more obsessed we have become with the history of drinking, and where we are right now.

The Five Heroes is a ninety minute disquisition on the history of gin and cocktails from the Ice Age to 21st century London. The story is told through the experiences of the five people that shaped that journey. Learn about age old uses of juniper, the invention of distilling, the journey of alcohol to Europe, the explosion in cocktails, how gin disappeared, befoe exploding again in the Golden Age of gin - now.

Hold in your hands the earliest bottles, etchings, the records of a pub trying to keep up with demand at the height of the gin craze, and some of the most ludicrous 1970s adverts the industry has tried to forget. Along the way, we might try a few cocktails and almost certainly take some home with us - up to you.

The Five Superheroes occasionally goes on tour, and dates will be listed here on the website. The talk can also be given at any social function or corporate event. Just get in touch -




Founded as a delicatessen in 1707, Fortnum's reputation was built on supplying quality food, and saw rapid growth throughout the Victorian era. Though Fortnum's developed into a department store, it continues to focus on stocking a variety of exotic, speciality and also basic provisions.


In 2018, for the first time, Fortnum & Mason put bottled cocktails on the shelf in their wonderful drinks section on the Lower Ground Floor. To our delight, having reviewed the entire market, they selected Myatt's Fields Cocktails to be their partner.


“It is a pleasure to have worked with Cyrus & Clemency since the inception of Myatt’s Fields, who were ahead of the curve in bringing superior quality cocktails to the at-home drinking space. Their knowledge and meticulous attention to detail shine through in every one of the bottled cocktails we have developed together for the Fortnum’s Collection, which continue to surprise and delight our customers with every sip.”

Oscar Dodd
Wine & Spirits Buyer, Fortnum & Mason


really nice txt